perjantai 31. lokakuuta 2008

Hello from ELIA Conference, Gothenburg

I've been spending the last few days here taking part in the 10th ELIA Biennial Conference, Independent Forum for the Higher Arts Education Institutions. Represented here are all disciplines in the arts, including Fine Art, Architecture, Dance, Design, Media Arts, Music and Theatre.

This conference does not have a specific title or theme. First of all there have been many talks about ARTS - what is art, art's challenges, options and threats at the moment in the world with many problems (for example financial, lack of food, violence) and with the growing awareness of climate change. My favorite so far has been Peter Seller's impressive two hours talk he gave yesterday.

One of the important venues is THE TENT in the middle of Gothenborg's main cultural square - Götaplatsen. It's also in the middle of all other venues. It has been built up from outside and inside using boxes of beer bottles, so it's almost 100% recyclable. In the tent delegates can meet, have a drink, and exchange ideas and information about their school and any new projects. Every night from 21.00-01.00 there are presentations in the tradition of Pecha Kucha Nights (each presentation is six minutes and 40 seconds). I've have to be honest - I'm usually quite exhausted that late, so I haven't followed any night till the end.

Yesterday was also open house in Valand School of Fine Arts. That art school is part of Gothenborg's University and all of us (the Finnish delegation) were amazed by the huge and functional space. (Here are a few images from the art school)

Now I have to finish and continue listening and communicating at the conference.

With best regards,
Tiiu Baldwin

Kuvataiteilija Tiiu Balvin on lehtori Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun kuvataiteen koulutusohjelmassa.

Kuvataiteen koulutusohjelma on ELIAn jäsen.

European League of Institutes of the Arts